Passenger Song

Passenger Song – Great Lake Swimmers 选自《Ongiara》专辑



Great Lake Swimmers来自加拿大的5人乐队,几张专辑过后,人气也是直线上升,最近三个月内的演出也排的是满满的。这张新专辑由加拿大本土的厂牌Nettwerk的发行。主唱 Tony Dekker也是给足了劲,将专辑制作的贴近人心。

Toronto-based Great Lake Swimmers are led by songwriter/vocalist Tony Dekker. The group’s haunting self-titled debut was recorded in a silo in Ontario and originally released in Canada by Weewerk Records in 2003. Misra Records picked up the record and released it in the States in April 2005. Great Lake Swimmers’ second release, Bodies and Minds, came out in August 2005. It was followed in 2007 by Ongiara.


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